Top 20 movies like The Beckoning

The Beckoning

In the days preceding a total solar eclipse, the receipt of a peculiar and intriguing gift sets a reclusive man on a path to discover an ancient and unworldly power.

The Beckoning is of 0 hour(s) and 21 minute(s). It is Produced By:  Hartmann Films. It was released on 2022-10-13. It has an average vote of 3 on TMDB.

Genres: FantasyHorror

1. Breakfast (Déjeuner du matin)


Relentlessly reworking ‘real’ images, using techniques borrowed from painting and animated film, Patrick Bokanowski is an author of stature, capable of creating an insane and cataclysmic universe of unquestionable beauty.

It has an average vote of 7.8 on TMDB.

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2. Dance Macabre

Dance Macabre

Horror fan short by director Wim Vink, that works with just a little dialogue and mostly with eerie atmosphere, set in a small Dutch town. A bit of Argento, mainly by using some of Goblin´s music as well as some Fabio Frizzi compositions, mixed with a bit of Romero´s undead, this is about some cult who unleash an evil spirit that starts attacking people, in the shape of zombie-like creatures, when it all turns out to end as a weird version of the beginning from "Dawn Of The Dead".

It has an average vote of 7 on TMDB.

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3. The Bloodthirsty Fairy (La fée sanguinaire)

The Bloodthirsty Fairy

Two mysterious men dressed in black and with cigarettes dangling from their mouths drop a large, presumably heavy package off on a doorstep and walk away. When the home’s owner returns he drags the package inside, then goes about doing a few more activities before deciding to finally open it. Upon removing the paper, he notices it’s a large steel barrel. Using a blowtorch, he gets the lid off and sees it’s full of oily water… but rising out of the water is a nude, voluptuous, smiling woman, who immediately starts to entice the man by massaging her breasts. Naturally, being in a barrel for who knows how long, she needs to get cleaned off and hops into a bubble bath. While she’s lounging in the tub, the man gets into bed, lights a cigarette and starts to remove him clothes in anticipation. We get to see fantasies from both the man and “the fairy.” —The Bloody Pit of Horror

It has an average vote of 5.1 on TMDB.

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4. That Towering Oak

That Towering Oak

Growing up, Paul was carefree and full of life. He would spend countless hours playing in the oak tree in his backyard. He spent so much time out with that tree that his mother would tease him saying they were bonded for life, and for a long time, he believed it. Time passed, Paul grew up, moved away and settled into monotonous adulthood filled with responsibilities and routine. A job he hates, a wife that hates him and no end in sight...

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5. The Christmas Carol

The Christmas Carol

A Christmas Carol was a 1949 syndicated, black and white television special narrated by Vincent Price.

It has an average vote of 5.8 on TMDB.

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6. Episodes in the Life of a Gin Bottle

Episodes in the Life of a Gin Bottle

A gin bottle is personified with a spirit. As the gin bottle changes hands the spirit of the bottle tempts the various possessors to take a drink. A pro-prohibition movie, the story exemplifies the tragedies of drinking.

It has an average vote of 4.5 on TMDB.

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7. 100.000 Acres of Pine

100.000 Acres of Pine

Ranger Megan Patel loses her brother, Daniel, under mysterious circumstances. Struggling to understand how he died, she finds herself alone, venturing into the vast pine forest. However, as she follows the trail of her brother into the woods, the trees begin to change and shift around her. Soon Megan arrives in places without any recollection of how she got there. Almost as if something is pulling her deeper into the woods. Something dark and dangerous, that Megan might not be able to escape.

It has an average vote of 6.3 on TMDB.

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8. Obstacle Corpse

Obstacle Corpse

Teammates struggle to complete the deadliest race on earth.

It has an average vote of 4 on TMDB.

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9. Momok (Momok)


Being scolded while playing, three children plot small revenge on an old lady. A decision they regret later.

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10. Behold


The Mourningside team deliver a macabre family tale. Ellie must struggle to come to grips with reality. All the time being stalked by someone, or something. Will her brother Anthony be able to save her from certain peril? Or will she fall into the arms of death?

It has an average vote of 6.5 on TMDB.

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11. O.I.


A depressed man in a bar recounts the story of the completely original idea that led to his being there.

It has an average vote of 6.75 on TMDB.

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12. The Fabric

The Fabric

In a strange, dark asylum, a brilliant physicist with no memory, sits incarcerated. One thing occupies his mind: escaping - to what or where, he has no clue. Haunted day and night, by creatures that roam the halls - or his imagination, he scribbles equations on every surface of his his cell. Not knowing whether he is insane, or on to something truly groundbreaking, every combination of symbols etched onto the walls might be the key to his escape, or just his madness laughing back at him. One day he has a breakthrough.

It has an average vote of 4.75 on TMDB.

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13. God: City

God: City

God presides over a modern metropolis.

It has an average vote of 6.346 on TMDB.

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14. The Beaning

The Beaning

An experimental documentary exploring a sinister theory surrounding the death of Cleveland baseball player Ray Chapman in 1920 and the subsequent rise of the Yankee dynasty.

It has an average vote of 7.2 on TMDB.

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15. Polaroid


A mysterious package arrives at a doorstep. The contents inside may determine the fate of whoever opens it.

It has an average vote of 5.3 on TMDB.

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16. Devil's Tribulation (魔天劫)

Devil's Tribulation

Liu Ming and Jia Lan are childhood sweethearts. Liu Ming devotes herself to cultivation every day, and Jia Lan always waits quietly, accompanying Liu Ming. Ye Tian Mei has admired Liu Ming for a long time, but hates that Jia Lan is always by Liu Ming's side. One day, when Jia Lan is playing in a lake, Ye Tian Mei hypnotises her, swaps their souls, and imprisons Jia Lan's...

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17. Hangman


Nick slowly loses his mind while too afraid to leave his house.

It has an average vote of 6 on TMDB.

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18. The Slit-Mouthed Woman: Chapter 2

The Slit-Mouthed Woman: Chapter 2

The Slit-Mouthed Woman returns.

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19. Hurry Hurry Faster Faster

Hurry Hurry Faster Faster

Before the Blerta bus and Goodbye Pork Pie's yellow mini hit the road, some friends with more energy than cash dressed up as mad doctors and criminals, and began making films. This freeform short about running late is an early product of varied schemers who were key in the Kiwi film renaissance. Geoff Murphy plays the man in a hurry, and Bruno Lawrence is Dr Brunowski. Warning: final credits not to be trusted.

It has an average vote of 6 on TMDB.

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20. Speak in my Language

Speak in my Language

A couple only communicates with each other through telepathy.

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