Top 19 movies like Sex crimes and the Vatican

Sex crimes and the Vatican

A secret document which sets out a procedure for dealing with child sex abuse scandals within the Catholic Church is examined by Panorama. Crimen Sollicitationis was written in 1962 in Latin and given to Catholic bishops worldwide who are ordered to keep it locked away in the church safe. Reporting for Panorama, Colm O'Gorman finds seven priests with child abuse allegations made against them living in and around the Vatican City.

Sex crimes and the Vatican is of 0 hour(s) and 39 minute(s). It is Produced By:  BBC. It was released on 2006-10-01. It has an average vote of 5.8 on TMDB.

Genres: Documentary

1. The Pope And The Mafia Millions

The Pope And The Mafia Millions

Italian banker Roberto Calvi was found dead in 1982 in London. Known as God's banker for his links with the Vatican, Calvi was the chairman of Banco Ambrosiano and a central figure in a complex web of international fraud. Did the P2 masonic lodge arrange to have him silenced?

It has an average vote of 5.2 on TMDB.

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2. Leopard Fight Club

Leopard Fight Club

Witness a remarkable coming-of-age story as we track a young leopard's journey from rookie to royalty in South Africa's lethal Big Five landscape. When we first meet Jack, he's clumsy, fearful, and weak, but he's a fast learner - and he'll need to be. He's destined for a showdown with the area's current leopard monarch, an alpha male with a real mean streak. We follow Jack as he hones his skills and builds up muscle for the ultimate catfight. It's a battle where only the winner will walk out alive.

It has an average vote of 7.8 on TMDB.

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3. Men


Men will be men.

It has an average vote of 6 on TMDB.

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4. Six Weeks to Twelve Years

Six Weeks to Twelve Years

After the death of their abusive father, two estranged twin brothers must reunite and sell off his property.

It has an average vote of 6.125 on TMDB.

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5. Matrix


Abstract art film made for gallery exhibition.

It has an average vote of 5.9 on TMDB.

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6. Home Run Showdown

Home Run Showdown

Two little league teams take on their coaches' sibling rivalry, and end up in battle in a place the baseball world never expected: in the outfield of the Home Run Derby.

It has an average vote of 9.3 on TMDB.

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7. The First Temptation of Christ (A Primeira Tentação de Cristo)

The First Temptation of Christ

Jesus, who's hitting the big 3-0, brings a surprise guest to meet the family. A Christmas special so wrong it must be from comedians Porta dos Fundos.

It has an average vote of 5.5 on TMDB.

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8. Hustling


Based on Gail Sheehy's book, this film chronicles how a reporter for a New York City magazine decided to investigate the city's prostitution industry to find out just who was making all the money. What she found out caused a firestorm of controversy--that many of the city's richest and most powerful families and corporations benefited directly and indirectly from the illegal sex business.

It has an average vote of 5.7 on TMDB.

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9. Change


I was somewhere between the beggining and the end of life. After winter became spring, and summer became fall, and fall winter again. I always knew change would be constant.

It has an average vote of 9.4 on TMDB.

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10. Zombie Fight Club (屍城)

Zombie Fight Club

It's the end of the century at a corner of the city in a building riddled with crime - Everyone in the building has turned into zombies. After Jenny's boyfriend is killed in a zombie attack, she faces the challenge of surviving in the face of adversity. In order to stay alive, she struggles with Andy to flee danger.

It has an average vote of 5.652 on TMDB.

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11. Fight Club: Members Only (Fight Club: Members Only)

Fight Club: Members Only

Four friends head off to Bombay and get involved in the mother and father of all gang wars.

It has an average vote of 6.44 on TMDB.

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12. Games


The life and struggles of a group of high school seniors living in Waco, Texas.

It has an average vote of 9.8 on TMDB.

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13. An American Vampire Story

An American Vampire Story

A group of friends go on a vacation with some new friends that turn out to be vampires, they hire a famous vampire killer to help them.

It has an average vote of 3.5 on TMDB.

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14. Flight 714 (Vol 714 pour Sydney)

Flight 714

Tintin and his friends get involved in an unexpected and weird adventure when they meet Laszlo Carreidas, an eccentric millionaire.

It has an average vote of 7 on TMDB.

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15. Prisoners of the Sun (Le Temple du Soleil)

Prisoners of the Sun

Tintin and Captain Haddock travel to Peru in search of an abducted friend.

It has an average vote of 6.8 on TMDB.

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16. Killer 2 (Kiler-ów 2-óch)

Killer 2

Jurek Kiler has become a VIP - sponsoring the Polish government, playing tennis with the President, meeting world leaders. He must oversee a transfer of a substantial amount of gold. However, in his past activities, he has made enemies. Mighty ones. And thus Jurek Kiler's next adventure begins as he has to face attempts at kidnapping, assassinations and problems in his love life...

It has an average vote of 7.189 on TMDB.

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17. The Prayer Box

The Prayer Box

On a mission to get God's attention in hopes that God will heal his sister from terminal cancer, a young boy begins answering the prayers left by church members in the pastor's prayer box after the pastor throws them away, jaded by his own suffering.

It has an average vote of 7.2 on TMDB.

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18. Electric Callboy - Hellfest 2023 (Electric Callboy - Hellfest 2023)

Electric Callboy - Hellfest 2023

(Electric Callboy - Hellfest 2023)

It has an average vote of 8.5 on TMDB.

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19. Orphans and Angels

Orphans and Angels

The needy and traumatized Theresa, who was raped when she was fourteen year-old, meets the handsome John on the street after an accident during a performance on the stage of her friend Kim asking for a low-budget hotel. She offers a ride to a nearby hostel, they date and she brings him home, where he offers Ecstasy with wine to her. Kim advises her that John is a dangerous drug-dealer that has been missing for five years after the death of his girlfriend also called Theresa, but Theresa stays with him, practicing mutual masturbation, sharing her fears and fantasies and being permanently drugged. When John's friend Billy visits Theresa, he reveals dark secrets about her boyfriend, leading to a tragic end.

It has an average vote of 4.6 on TMDB.

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