Top 17 movies like OMG BFF LOL


OMG BFF LOL is a three-part animation that is part of Charlie White’s Girl Studies series. The animations introduce Tara and Blakey, two American teens caught up in the ecstatic fervor of shopping and the melancholy dilemmas of boredom and emotional fragility. Spun out like a serialized cartoon, OMG BFF LOL operates like a Trojan horse for White’s critique of America’s cycle of consumption and repulsion. It acts as a monologue on the terror of “wanting vs. having” and the girls' need to find gravity in the levity and privilege that they take for granted.

OMG BFF LOL is of 0 hour(s) and 6 minute(s). It is Produced By:  . It was released on 2009-03-08. It has an average vote of 7.2 on TMDB.




A boy walks through an abandoned building and films the interior. Suddenly his camera disappears.

It has an average vote of 7.15 on TMDB.

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2. Leaving Amish Paradise

Leaving Amish Paradise

Documentary following the lives of two Amish families leaving the only world they've ever known and trying to get to grips with the modern world. The Amish travel by horse and buggy and dress exactly as their forebears did when they first arrived in America almost 300 years ago. They have countless rules which keep them separate from the modern world, with electric lights, mobile phones, television and radio all forbidden. For those born into this culture, leaving is the biggest decision they'll ever make.

It has an average vote of 7 on TMDB.

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3. All Eyes on Sharon Tate

All Eyes on Sharon Tate

Promotional short film on an aspiring young actress Sharon Tate and her first film Eye of the Devil .

It has an average vote of 5 on TMDB.

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4. Battleship Odin Firing All Her Guns

Battleship Odin Firing All Her Guns

Film produced by William K. Dickson’s British Mutoscope and Biograph Company.

It has an average vote of 4 on TMDB.

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5. The Ring Cycle: Die Walkure (Der Ring des Nibelungen: Die Walküre)

The Ring Cycle: Die Walkure

FIRST DAY OF THE RING CYCLE. Fleeing for his life, Siegmund seeks shelter at Sieglinde's house. Her husband Hunding happens to be one of Siegmund's pursuers, and the two of them must cross swords the next day. As Siegmund laments his lack of a weapon, Sieglinde directs him to the sword Nothung stuck in an ash tree. Despite discovering they are twin siblings, the two fall in love. The King of Gods Wotan, their father, sends his Valkyrie daughter Brünnhilde to aid Siegmund. Fricka protests, and Wotan uses his spear to break Siegmund's sword during the battle. Siegmund is slain, but Brünnhilde rescues both the sword fragments and Sieglinde who is pregnant with Siegmund's child Siegfried. Wotan is angry that she intervened, but since Brünnhilde is his favorite child, he merely strips her of immortality and sends her into an enchanted sleep, surrounded by fire. Filmed at the Bayreuth Festspielhaus in June & July 1992.

It has an average vote of 9 on TMDB.

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6. Slipknot - Slipknot - 10th Anniversary Edition DVD

Slipknot - Slipknot - 10th Anniversary Edition DVD

Of the Sic: Your Nightmares, Our Dreams Live at Dynamo Open Air 2000 :</p><p> 1. 742617000027</p><p> 2. </p><p> 3. Eyeless</p><p> 4. Wait and Bleed</p><p> 5. No Life</p><p> 6. Liberate</p><p> 7. Purity</p><p> 8. Prosthetics</p><p> 9. Spit It Out</p><p> 10. Get This</p><p> 11. Surfacing Music videos:</p><p> "Spit It Out"</p><p> "Wait and Bleed"</p><p> "Surfacing"</p><p> "Wait and Bleed "

It has an average vote of 8 on TMDB.

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7. Ken Burns Says "Jazz" 3 Billion Times (actually 2.97 bn) in Under 3.5 Minutes

Ken Burns Says "Jazz" 3 Billion Times (actually 2.97 bn) in Under 3.5 Minutes

Ken Burns Says "Jazz" 3 Billion Times in Under 3.5 Minutes

It has an average vote of 4.5 on TMDB.

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8. East End Babylon

East End Babylon

The story of London's toughest and poorest part as told through the eyes of the iconic band Cockney Rejects.

It has an average vote of 5.667 on TMDB.

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9. The Last Suspect (החשוד האחרון)

The Last Suspect

Danny Breznitz, late 40s, a detective in the Tel Aviv Police, is hospitalized following a near-fatal car accident. His relationship with his sexy mistress, Eva, early 30s, is falling apart, and his obsession with her is pushing Eva even further away. Living in the same apartment with Ruthie, his wife, are the only remains of their childless marriage. Following convalescence, Breznitz is handed an insignificant case by his hostile superior which he considers beneath him. But when an unknown body is found in the woods, and nobody cares, Dani finds a cause he can believe in. He makes a tour-de-force of Israel's "low- life" – an Arab intellectual who wants to admit to a murder he has not committed, a prostitute turned hairdresser, a pimp who poses as a born-again Jew, a homosexual artist who was excommunicated by his parents. The journey becomes an obsession that threatens to kill him but Breznitz wouldn't stop until he reveals the shocking truth...

It has an average vote of 8 on TMDB.

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10. Wild Flowers (Divlje cvijeće)

Wild Flowers

My father only used a camera once in his life. Thirty years later, he asked me to digitise the material he had filmed. I was wondering what he remembers. Created from an impulse to rethink and rewatch personal archive footage, the film explores memory and its relation to documentation and non-institutional archive practices. Connecting politics with intimate spaces, the documentary questions both the influence of war on private archives and the role of gardens as places of new begginings.

It has an average vote of 0.5 on TMDB.

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11. Pact with the Forces of Darkness (Perjanjian di Malam Keramat)

Pact with the Forces of Darkness

Tragedy strikes when a group of thugs slaughter two children and their mother and father. Then, out of nowhere, a ghost of a sinister, thuggish looking man appears and walks toward the woman's body. Later, a couple moves into the house and encounters the ghosts of the two children. Even worse, the murdered woman, possessed by the evil male spirit, has returned as a ghost/zombie who can invade people's dreams and kill them. She has a glove just like Freddy Krueger and she makes use of it quite frequently. She seeks out those who killed her and her family, taking vengeance on them. But, eventually, she must be stopped, and that falls to a good priestess who must also face the male spirit within the woman.

It has an average vote of 8.5 on TMDB.

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12. #Moscow on the Beach (#Moscou-Royan)

#Moscow on the Beach

Olga is a young woman who decides to change her life after an unexpected event. She wants to see if new technologies can help her makes her dreams true. Nothing better than letting the algorithms manage yours holidays for you.

It has an average vote of 7 on TMDB.

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13. Everything Near Becomes Distant (Tout ce qui était proche s'éloigne)

Everything Near Becomes Distant

Director Zhu's friend, Xiaoxin, contracted an eye disease. He gradually lost his eyesight, and by 2015, he had gone completely blind. He told Zhu that the total blackness scared him, and Zhu felt that he was on his way to somewhere.

It has an average vote of 6 on TMDB.

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14. Deaf Smith & Johnny Ears (Los Amigos)

Deaf Smith & Johnny Ears

Two friends help Sam Houston work for Texas statehood. Johnny Ears and his deaf-mute sidekick Erastus "Deaf" Smith go after a Mexican general under orders from Germany to agitate the populace.

It has an average vote of 5.1 on TMDB.

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15. ¡Yerba sangrienta! (¡Yerba sangrienta!)

¡Yerba sangrienta!

An undercover cop and slick con-man form an alliance against a evil and vicious drug lord who takes advantage and uses the poor people of a small village with his equally evil henchmen.

It has an average vote of 5 on TMDB.

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16. Voltaire (Voltaire)


A suspense comedy about ambition, assertiveness and the brutal pecking order, in the seemingly peaceful world of church weathercocks.

It has an average vote of 6 on TMDB.

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17. Cream - Farewell Concert

Cream - Farewell Concert

On November 26, 1968, London's illustrious Royal Albert Hall was jammed to its gilded rafters with rock fans ready for the final concert of what many still consider the greatest band that ever played. That band, Cream, featured the legendary Eric Clapton on lead guitar, the great drummer Ginger Baker , and lead singer-bassist Jack Bruce in a trio that made some of the most amazing rock songs of the Sixties.

It has an average vote of 5.2 on TMDB.

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