Top 0 movies like Senario Asam Garam

Senario Asam Garam

"Senario Asam Garam" starts with the incident where Asam and his assistant Garam try to sabotage the kiosk owned by Cik Hawa and the office of Pak Adam but their efforts always fail due to their stupidity. Asam and Garam dislike Pak Adam because both parties are in the construction business. Moreover, Pak Adam is an honest contractor unlike Asam and Garam. The news of a tender for the extension of the school in the village adds tension between Pak Adam and Asam and Garam, which forces Asam and Garam to try any means possible to sabotage Pak Adam's bid for the project.

Senario Asam Garam is of 1 hour(s) and 23 minute(s). It is Produced By:  MIG Productions. It was released on 2010-09-09. It has the tagline: New Story, New Variety, Funny As Ever

Genres: Comedy

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